EMF Health & Safety Audit
In today’s world, we are surrounded by electromagnetic fields, most of them originating from human-made devices. Just as for any other environmental pollution, there are exposure level limits that must be adhered to.
We perform our EMF health and safety measurements based on specific measuring points (MP’s) on-site, if the MP is specified nearby a working spot, we perform two times 6 minutes measurements, one in a seated position and one in a standing position. The best scenario for real-world results is while the measurements take place during a typical working day under normal working conditions.
When do you need this service?
- When you are interested EMF Health & Safety check in your work environment
- When required by your company union or health & safety department
Prerequisites and Deliverables!
The following topics are the prerequisites and the deliverables for an EMF Health & Safety Audit.
- Up to date floor plans with predefined MP’s (Measuring Point)
- Access to all MP Locations.
- Wi-Fi Guest access or Wi-Fi network access during the timestamp of the measurements (we need internet access in both frequencies)
- Preferred legislation threshold (international, country, region)
- Spectrum Analyses (MP area)
- Wi-Fi Scan (MP area)
- EMF Measurement (MP area)
- Recommendations and action plan (if applicable)
What can you expect from this service?
A detailed analyses report with the EMF measurements (E-Field in V/m and Power flux density in W/m2) validated against your preferred legislation.